Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Issues Opinion After Three Years

In March 2019, Hank Skinner’s defense team argued that if DNA testing and its results would have been available at the time of his trial, the jury would not have convicted him. Although Hank’s DNA is found around the house where he lived, it is not mixed with the victims’. More crucially, the results undeniably reveal that a partial unknown male DNA profile is found mixed with two of the victims’ blood. These scientific facts essentially contradicts the accusation and should challenge Hank’s guilt, if not entirely prove his innocence.

Regrettably, the state contends that this has nothing to do with the crime and took the following step: 

On October 5, 2022 the Texas court of criminal appeals finally issued an opinion affirming the March 2019 court’s findings and conclusions. After three years of waiting, this major legal set back once again puts Hank’s life at risk. It denies him an avenue to prove his innocence and opens up the possibility to execute him.

Justice4Hank is now embarking on a renewed fight to save Hank. We need your active support now and in the immediate future. Please stay tuned for more news and calls to action. Thank you!

Additional Information

  • See what the jurors from Hank’s trial felt about the verdict 
  • Current trends regarding death sentences and executions in the US
  • The trend in Texas