The bloodthirsty state is at it again

It is not enough that the state sentenced Hank to death for a crime he did not commit, earlier this month the Court of Criminal Appeals denied Hank’s appeal despite the multitude of exculpatory elements and before the same court actually reviews the motion for rehearing filed by his lawyers on October 20, 2022, the state has already set a new execution date for September 13, 2023.

This means that Hank will be spending the next 11 months on death watch under even more restrictive conditions and strict surveillance. He already spent 27 years, 6 months and 28 days on death row. 

Please take a moment to drop him a line, to do so you need to read the correspondance rules implemented today before you do so. Support is vital to lead this battle and to win it. 

Thank you for your continued support!