J4H | Justice 4 Hank Skinner

Action August 2017

Even under the sun, YOU can help Hank!

Summertime is about vacation, leisure and well-deserved breaks from our busy lives. Still, there’s one simple action you can do for Hank this month:

In August
Take a picture or make a short video 
to express your support to Hank

& share it to encourage others to join in!


If you are using Instagram or Twitter to post your picture or video, make sure your account is public & tag #Justice4Hank / @Justice4Hank to be featured. On Facebook, simply tag #Justice4Hank / @Justice4Hank

We will share your support message on our website and across our social networks.

Enjoy your vacation, wherever you may be. Hank is always encouraged to know others are thinking of him!