Tag Archives: hank skinner

Codeine Allergy

After arrest, Hank was taken to a hospital where he gave blood samples. The tests run on these samples provided startling results. They indicated a blood alcohol level, at the time of the murders, of 0.21%. The samples were taken six and a half hours after the alleged time of the murders and … Continue Reading ››

The Rape Kit Evidence

It seems there was valid cause for investigating Robert Donnell as a possible suspect in the murders, and this investigation could have been significantly advanced by the forensic examination of evidence readily available from the bodies of the victims, including rape kit samples taken from the body of Twila Busby. Whether these tests … Continue Reading ››

Blood and Print Evidence

There was a massive amount of evidence available in the form of potential murder weapons, blood spatter evidence and hand and fingerprints. Careful testing of this evidence could have eliminated Hank Skinner from the murder enquiries and perhaps even provided an indication as to who the attacker actually was. Yet the state experts … Continue Reading ››

Hank’s Defense Issues Press Release

Following the advisory filed in court by the Attorney General’s office and media articles, Hank's lawyers issued another press release:

"We are concerned that the Attorney General’s office has seen fit to publish partial results of DNA testing and to present its opinion to the court while DNA tests are … Continue Reading ››