You speak several languages?
- Give a little bit of your time to translate information about Hank’s case and urgent alerts (Contact us by email)
You are a journalist?
- Write an article about Hank’s case and the death penalty in Texas (Visit your dedicated Press Corner)
You are a blogger?
- Share information about Hank’s case and add the relevant links on your blog
You have talent: you are a singer, actor, painter, sculptor or a performer?
- Use your contacts to organize a show to the benefit of Hank’s Defense Fund
- With other artists, donate a piece of your work to set up an auction to raise funds
You have time?
- Share information about Hank and his case to engage others
You have a specific network through your work or hobbies?
- Share information about Hank and his case to increase support
You have a pen?
- Write Hank to show your support
You have a computer?
- Use the social networks to share information about Hank and his case to increase support
- Promote our Facebook page and Twitter account, subscribe to our Newsletter
You have a printer?
- Print and distribute our 1-page flyer presenting Hank’s case
- Print and distribute our 4-page leaflet detailing Hank’s case
You have a car?
- Get together with friends to organize a garage sale to raise money for Hank’s Defense Fund
You have accumulated many frequent flyer miles, more than you can use?
- Donate miles so Hank’s family members can visit him on death row
You want to stay informed?
Subscribe to the newsletter (& share it with your networks!)Share your ideas & suggestions with us by email