When the police found the body of Randy Busby, he was lying face down on the top bunk of a two storey bed. Given Hank's slight build, and the clearly debilitated state he was in, Dr. Glenn Larkin, forensic pathologist raises an interesting question:
À la date d’aujourd’hui, 1er janvier 2008, il y a eu 248 acquittements aux États-Unis grâce aux tests ADN, dont 139 condamnés à mort. Le Texas mène la course en tête non seulement en ce qui concerne les exécutions (447) mais également en ce qui concerne le nombre d’acquittements suite à … Continue Reading ››
On November 10, 2007, Al Jazeera International aired a two-part program entitled "American Justice - Fatal Flaws", part 2 deals with wrongful convictions through Hank's case & Curtis McCarty's who was exonerated from Oklahoma death row after 22 years.
Official non-profit organization in support of Hank Skinner